對於新一代電音EDM粉絲來說,可能對瑞典浩室殺手黨(Swedish House Mafia 簡稱:SMH)不暸解,但是你可能認得Axwell ^ Ingrosso還有Steve Angello,他們分別是今年百大DJ榜上的第17名以及第31名,在2013年宣布解散讓粉絲們大失所望。
曾經瑞典浩室殺手黨是百大DJ榜上的第10名,經典傳世單曲"Don't you Worry Child"擁有3億以上點閱率,一直到今天許多人還在期待他們是否能再度合體,而這次前團員艾克斯威爾(Axwell)在專訪中透露了驚人的消息,讓我們看下去。
Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ft. John Martin
近期Axwell在接受BBC Radio 1 廣播電台邀請,由柴尼婁伊(Zane Lowe)進行專訪,竟然自己報料瑞典浩室殺手黨未來可能合體,大致的內容是在講彼此的發展都受到祝福,時間會改變一切,我們不能預測未來會如何,或許會有突如其來的衝動將瑞典浩室殺手黨合體,也說不定呢!
We think about it every now and then, you know what we left, what we did, what we accomplished and everything, and how it would be to do something together again. But I think, the only thing is that time will tell pretty much. We have been blessed to be riding this wave, and just ahead of the wave for some time now, so you know we are able to do exactly what we want, which is a blessing. You know this song that we just played, it was just like no thoughts, no need, no nothing, just music. Who knows what happens in the future, we might get a sudden urge for Swedish House Mafia again… who knows!
而在這次採訪內容中,Axwell也釋出一首新歌"Waiting For So Long(等待許久)",為什麼要取這樣的名字呢?是不是也在暗示讓粉絲們期待已久,讓我們先來聽聽看這首單曲過過乾癮吧!
Axwell - Waiting For So Long (Gloria)